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Our Friends at Supreme Lending

Here at Prime Limo, we have been fortunate enough to work with many great companies in the DFW area and beyond. And when those companies book multiple times with us, we are able to get to know the people that work for them a bit better every time. For over 2 years now we have had an amazing working relationship with Supreme Lending here in Dallas. They are an amazing company and have been a delight to work with. We appreciate that they have stayed with us and helped us become what we are today. I would like to give a special thanks also to the people we have worked with most closely in their staff: Amanda, Kristy, and Kathleen. They have been great to work with and always brighten up our day when we get to hear from them. We look forward to our continued working relationship and will strive to give you greater service each and every time. Thank you for everything, we appreciate you!

Prime Friends

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