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Receive the Texts!

In this day and age, it is important to have access to information that makes your life easier. We strive to make sure you have all the information for you booking ahead of time. One of the many ways we do this is with our automated text message system. This system send texts when the chauffeur is on their way and also when they arrive. They include the chauffeur's name, cell number, make, model, and license plate of their vehicle. With these you can know exactly when they are headed your way and you will be able to contact them directly as well.

Along with the text messages, we also send you an automated email 30 minutes prior to your reservation. It includes everything in the text message, as well as a picture of your chauffeur. This makes them much easier to identify when on site. You can also call our main office line at (214) 256-6725 anytime if you have any questions. Be sure to check your phone for those texts on your next Prime Limo reservation!

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